Monday, August 15, 2011

CHD News

Hello Everyone,

How are all of you doing? I am sorry for the mass e-mail but there are so many people to share my great news with. First of all, can you believe summer is almost over? This has been a great summer. I have been going to the movies with friends, sleeping over, went on a cruise, went to Vegas, and even Disneyland. Summer will end on an even better note when I go to Hawaii with my mom to meet my dad. So excited to have him back home. I love my family but when you live with a house full of girls, it gets a little annoying.

Let's see, since I last e-mailed, my sisters and I have tried out for the dance team at our studio. It was pretty fun. I am not sure if I will make any of the dance teams, but I gave it my all. My parents say that that's all we can do in life. Just give it our all and really that is all that matters. So hopefully when I see you at the walk, I will have some good news to share.

So the exciting news is the e-mail we got this year from the AHA. According to the e-mail we are currently one of the top 10 Moms with Heart Teams. (Mom with Heart Teams fundraises directly to Pediatric related cardiac research.) We are currently #6, nationwide. Last year the Moms with Heart teams raised $75,434 to fund pediatric cardiac research in the Western States Affiliate .

With funds raised by Moms with Heart, the American Heart Association
was able to fund a $90,000 pediatric cardiac research grant at the
Gladstone Institute in San Francisco, CA.

One out of every hundred children in the United States is born with an inherited cardiac defect. This study seeks to understand the basis of these heart defects by studying two genes that regulate heart development (or how the heart is assembled/put together).

Last year we were ranked #5.

Our Top 5 Moms with Heart Teams:
Dr. Harake's - Moms with Heart - $10,275 (Santa Barbara, CA)
Rayme Elliott - Moms with Heart - $7,199 (Santa Barbara, CA)
Joe Cosmano - Smooth Operators - $6,545 (Inland Empire, CA)
Megan Harris - Greater Valley District - Team Landon - $6,133 (Boise, ID)
Bailey, Nalani, Emily and Conrad Dikitanan - Team Zipperman - $5,075 (San Diego, CA)

So I am hoping that you would all consider sponsoring me again. Now that my team has been designated as a Moms with Heart Team, the money goes directly to Pediatric research that helps children like me. This research is so important and so needed.

I want to thank you for the many years of support and love you have shown my family and I. I know all of it has made me who I am today. If there is anything I can do to give back to my CHD community, I will do what I can. So please, come walk with us, or make a donation, or share this link. I would greatly appreciate whatever help you can offer.


Have the great rest of the summer! I will be sure to share my great news with you all again!
You may have received an email from me before, but I wanted to remind you that I am walking in this year's Heart Walk, a 5K walk benefitting the American Heart Association. I still need your help!

Please support me by making a donation today. The link below will take you to my personal donation page. If you prefer, you can also mail me a donation directly.

Heart disease is our nation’s number one killer. Your donation will immediately help save the lives of men, women and children who are affected by these diseases.

Thank you in advance for your donation!

Sharing the latest news

Good Afternoon 2010 Team Zipperman Members!

I hope you are all doing well! I just wanted to share some exciting news with you! Moms with Heart teams raised $75,434 to fund pediatric cardiac research in the Western States Affiliate by participating in Heart Walks across ten states! Thanks for all your hard work and congratulations on being one of the Top 5 Moms with Heart Teams!

American Heart Association Heartwalk

Moms with Heart teams raised $75,434

to fund pediatric cardiac research in the
Western States Affiliate by participating in
Heart Walks across ten states

With funds raised by Moms with Heart, the American Heart Association
was able to fund a $90,000 pediatric cardiac research grant at the
Gladstone Institute in San Francisco, CA.

One out of every hundred children in the United States is born with an
inherited cardiac defect. This study seeks to understand the basis of
these heart defects by studying two genes that regulate heart development
(or how the heart is assembled/put together).

Moms with Heart wouldn't be possible without the hard work, love, and imense passion our
Moms with Heart teams devote to their fundraising efforts.

Thank you to our Top 5 Moms with Heart Teams:

Dr. Harake's - Moms with Heart - $10,275 (Santa Barbara, CA)
Rayme Elliott - Moms with Heart - $7,199 (Santa Barbara, CA)
Joe Cosmano - Smooth Operators - $6,545 (Inland Empire, CA)
Megan Harris - Greater Valley District - Team Landon - $6,133 (Boise, ID)
Bailey, Nalani, Emily & Conrad Dikitanan - Team Zipperman - $5,075 (San Diego, CA)