Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Getting kids involved with a cause

So I had a conversation with Bailey the other day. He mentioned that a few of his friends from school wanted to check out the blog. He asked if it would be okay and I told him that of course it would be okay. I mean this blog was meant to encourage our community to come together and raise some money. I also think it is amazing to see kids curious about a cause. I think that it is important to get children involved in these causes because it brings awareness that they may not have on a certain condition. My children have participated in the MS Walk, which we did for my mom, who was diagnosed with MS in 1999. We have made donations to those who do the cancer walks and they know it is because my sister beat breast cancer not too long ago. We have made donations to the March of Dimes, because we have friends who gave birth to tiny little angels. I tell them the things we support so that they know a little about what affects others. So for me, it warms my heart to see them get passionate about a cause, whether it be about supporting a mission that provides school supplies to the unfortunate, beef sticks for the troops, candy for the troops, or our heart walk. I think it is amazing to just see them think about something bigger than them.

I hope that some of Bailey's friends are going to be able to join us at the walk. I know it would mean the world to him to have them share in something he cares so deeply about. I think it might be too late to do a penny drive, but maybe we can do something over the summer. Who knows. We will figure out how to get more people involved, somehow.

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